Hopp & Hemp CBD Demo

Come sample H&H hemp oil tinctures that contain the highest quality Colorado-grown industrial hemp extract. Infused with a variety of natural organic flavors such as cinnamon and tangerine, it offers options

Intelligent Elixirs Demo

You won't miss this Intelligent Elixirs skincare line demo. These products are free of toxic ingredients that improve skin health; with a commitment to transparency of our ingredients. Bring a

IN:TotalWellness Tasting

Come sample IN:TotalWellness fast-acting effervescence drinks – Sleep, Pain and Stree Formula. A new approach to naturally healing pain, anxiety, and sleeplessness. LOCAL product from Fairfield, CT

Zoni Foods Tasting

Come taste these scrumptious all natural plant-based meals (Craveable Coconut Curry, Peanut Pad Thai, Sweet Potato Cashew Alfredo). Zoni Foods makes it easier for you to eat healthy, plant-based fo with

Wild Planet Foods Demo

Sample some of Wild Planet’s wild fish and learn about their commitment to providing the finest sustainably caught seafood while supporting the conservation of wild marine ecosystems.

Malk Organics Tasting

Come samples these delicious sprouted nut milks with 5X the protein (Unsweetened, Unsweetened Vanilla and Maple)! MALK Organics products are dairy-free, soy-free, gluten-free, GMO and lactose-free and vegan-friendly. No carrageenan. No binders.

Down to Earth Organic Supertea

Down to Earth Organic Supertea Tasting! Down To Earth supertea beverages come directly from nature and are loaded with nutrients that may provide you with long-term health benefits and help

Intelligent Elixirs Demo

You won't miss this Intelligent Elixirs skincare line demo. These products are free of toxic ingredients that improve skin health; with a commitment to transparency of our ingredients. Makes a

ACURE Skin & Hair Demo

ACURE sources the highest quality ingredients for your skin. No parabens, sulfates, formaldehyde, paraffin, mineral oil or animal testing allowed! Come see why this brand is a customer favorite....don't forget


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