Join us for a FREE class The TRUTH around the LAW OF ATTRACTION: Learn how it really works, so that you can let all the abundance you want flow in.
DATE: Thursday, January 9th at 10:30-11:30 AM
LOCATION: Nature’s Temptations
RESERVE YOUR SEAT: Sign-up at Nature’s Temptations or by emailing
Does life feel overwhelming at times, knowing where we are at as a society tends to get us feeling down? What if we are really at a crossroads for making a choice as to how to move forward in life? What if we all are really at a critical junction that can propel us forward to a life of happiness and abundance? In this exclusive workshop Jeff will lay out truth around the law of attraction and how can you can use it to your advantage so that you can live the life that you would like to have, versus being controlled by society and the negativity all around us. Abundance is everywhere and at this workshop we will help you understand how to let it in. The truth is you have an innate ability to access it at any time, and you will learn how to do it here.
In the early fall of 2017, I went through a near-death experience which prompted a spiritual awakening. I, of course, had no idea that this was happening to me. I had come home from hearing some bad news from my Dr. and jumped on a scheduled call with my mentor and spiritual advisor, Tom. The call was supposed to be a conversation about my business. However, what happened, was anything but a conversation about business. Instead, I broke down in tears, heartbroken, knowing that I could feel myself dying, and so sad and afraid that I might have to leave my wife and 2 boys, whom I love with all of my heart. Tom guided me to lay down on the grass and dirt in my yard, right underneath a tree. He spoke to me and guided me as I asked mother earth to heal me. I cried profusely and asked her to save me. She answered, and a few weeks later, my intuition guided me to Mt. Sinai Hospital in NYC, where I was finally given a medication that put me into remission after 3 years of suffering. I have spent every day since that awakening day, healing and going within, meditating, journaling, and breaking down the old structures of my ego. My beliefs about myself and life have fully shifted. The truth is, I did die that day under that tree. The old me was left there. Looking back it was by design because my purpose here is to help others in their journey of healing and waking up. Through my own period of awakening, I have come to understand the truth around the law of attraction and reality creation. We are so much more powerful than we think, but from an early age, we have all be led to believe that the power of succeeding in life lies outside of us. I’ve come to know that it is false. By going within, you can dismantle and take apart your ego, that part of the mind that keeps you sad, afraid and anxious, and feeling unfulfilled in life. Everything I do is designed to help clear the mind so that you return to that place of self-love, which you had when you were born so that you can now go through life at peace and happy. Once your mind has been cleared, then we start to implement the daily action, using your now clear mind, to create the reality you really would like to choose. You’re no longer held back by guilt, anger, sadness and events from the past, etc. You start living the way you consciously would like. You stop needing things and in turn, you have everything. When you do this, you start to “surf reality”, go with the flow, and your life becomes adventurous and fulfilling. You start to attract to yourself, more Money, more overall success, better health, better relationships, stronger and deeper friendships, self-love, confidence, happiness, relaxation, and a deeper trust that your life will always unfold for your highest good. My life has shifted in ways that I could have never imagined, and yours can too. Indeed, the old me died on that cold fall day, but I found my true self, and my purpose is to help you do the same.